About Us

The 'jobs-to-be-done' theory, introduced by the esteemed Professor Clay Christensen, remains profoundly pertinent today. In our present real estate landscape, technology is revolutionizing space utilization and obfuscating the boundaries between different property types. For instance, when Warby Parker utilizes its retail space for distribution, should it be classified as a retail or an industrial property?

Our strategies must continually evolve to reflect the dynamics of an ever-changing world.

The name of our company—9606, representing the evolutionary ID for Homo sapiens—epitomizes our unwavering commitment to a 'jobs-to-be-done' mindset.

We approach projects with an ingrained 'jobs-to-be-done' mentality that transcends traditional real estate segments, such as commercial, residential, and industrial. By immersing ourselves in a profound understanding of the purposes for which customers 'hire' a space, we meticulously develop and invest in real estate products tailor-made to their desires. For instance, when crafting a co-living space for young individuals, we engage the services of a former fashion store designer to curate an Instagram-friendly common area that fosters social interactions and community engagement. Regardless of the project, we unfailingly deliver an unparalleled product that our discerning customers truly value, often yielding remarkable returns.

Fueled by a wealth of sustainable strategies, our methodology consistently generates satisfaction among customers, fosters harmonious communities, and yields contented investors.

The 'jobs-to-be-done' theory, introduced by the esteemed Professor Clay Christensen, remains profoundly pertinent today. In our present real estate landscape, technology is revolutionizing space utilization and obfuscating the boundaries between different property types. For instance, when Warby Parker utilizes its retail space for distribution, should it be classified as a retail or an industrial property?

At-Scale Investment Process

Mindful of our fiduciary obligations to asset owners, we remain steadfast in our commitment to building the long-term success of our company through robust, scalable investments and comprehensive portfolio management.

Our investment process typically adheres to four critical stages.
  1. Initial review
  2. Investment due diligence
  3. Investment decision
  4. Deal closing.

Upon consummating the final step, both the deal and portfolio teams embark on a meticulously documented transition. Additionally, our monthly rent collection and quarterly portfolio reviews serve as robust mechanisms to ensure unwavering portfolio management. Lastly, our financials undergo rigorous audits conducted by a nationally renowned accounting firm, thereby instilling an added layer of operational discipline and offering enhanced protection to asset owners.

Responsible Investing

As signatories to the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), we ardently embody responsible investment practices across three pivotal areas.

  1. We actively embrace and celebrate diversity and inclusion, proactively fostering an environment that champions team diversity.
  2. We steadfastly uphold the highest ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) standards across all facets of our business operations.
  3. We respectfully recognize and acknowledge our roles and responsibilities within the communities in which we operate.